Founded in 1889, The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain is the official registered body for Travelling Showmen.
Divided into ten "sections" the Showmen's Guild has protected the interests of it's "members" and their families.
This has been achieved by the introduction of rules governing conduct, safety and legal issues for Showmen to abide by. The rules are enforced by "Committees" that are voted into office by the Showmen members. These committees are elected by ballot each year in their home sections. All "Section Committees" are controlled by "Central Council" which offices are in "Guild House", Staines. The Showmen's Guild also has a Parliamentary Agent to keep it abreast of legislation that may affect it's members.
The Scottish Section of the Showmen's Guild is the largest by area. It manages all members registered in this section. It's jurisdiction covers fairs from John o' Groats down to Carlisle and Kendal. The Scottish Showmen's Guild has it's office in Glasgow. All Scottish members funfair equipment is registered within the section office. This ensures that all equipment is inspected at least yearly. The rides,games and attractions are issued with safety certificates by independent inspection bodies approved by the Showmen's Guild and the Health and Safety Executive. For more detailed historical information please visit the National Fairground Archives.
